


Nutrition Coach

Helping real life, busy people ​finally reach and sustain their ​health goals through balanced ​nutrition and healthy habits.

Hi​ I’m Katie!

Like many women, I was on a diet for most of my 20's (and pro​bably before that too). Despite that, I struggled for all of th​ose years trying to achieve that fit, toned look and nothing reall​y worked.

It wasn’t un​t​il I hired a coach, started to learn and implement a balanced di​et that I stopped white knuckling through all of the fad diets​ and discovered the best way to achieve body I wanted. Macro​s and healthy habits!

Since then I​’​ve helped many women transform their health with my knowl​edge and coaching programs.

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1:1 coaching

12 week nutrition program ​for those looking to ​experience a body and mind ​transformation so that you ​can once and for all feel ​confident and never look to ​another diet again.


free community

Join the free group chat ​where we discuss your goals, ​celebrate your wins, and I d​ish out tips, tricks, hacks ​and advice for reaching y​our goa​ls.


nutrition audit

Take the guesswork out of ​your nutrition goals and get ​your personal macro count ​calculated for you by a​ certified macro coach so that​ you can start feeling good​ today.​

Certifications & Services

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Client Testimonials


"Two weeks ago my macros were recalculated. I committed to the new goal and ​although I haven't been perfect, in those two weeks, I have lost 2 inches overall. ​I can feel a difference in my midsection already. I am very excited about ​reenergizing my commitment to eating in a way that makes me feel good."


"Engaging with KB was an outstanding experience. Not only was I able to ​uncover and explore some hidden misconceptions and beliefs around food ​and my eating patterns but also identify some huge deficits in my macro ​nutrition that were clearly working against my health and well being. Overall ​super valuable experience worth exploring!"


“The weightloss just helps me wrap my brain around the fact that this is ​something that can work and be sustainable which was awesome. I had ​pasta and bread everyday and didn’t feel like I was depriving myself at all.”


"The best part of this experience has been the tailored ​coaching for my pace, goals, diet and need for flexibility in ​the process."


“Honestly I feel like the OG me which I haven’t seen in a while. ​I’m obviously older and wiser but I used to really care what ​went into my body and treated it with respect. And I feel like I ​lost that for awhile and am finally getting it back.”


“I did so well with grazing this week. Like hardly at all. I know ​not every week will be like that but I’m proud of myself! I ​definitely improved upon my patience with myself.”

Get in touch.

If you're looking to feel good, you came to ​the right place.

Email me:

Let’s hang out on Instagram: @​kbnutritioncoach

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