Nutritious Food Meal Planning Concept
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Master Your Mind and Body

Imagine feeling confident, energized and vibrant while being ​able to eat the foods you love and wear your favorite jeans ​without holding your breath all day.

Master Your Mind and Body

For the person who has tried every diet under the sun, still feels out of control with ​their food and wants to gain confidence and feel good in their body on​ce and for all.

You: Before ​signing up for ​coaching

You: Before ​signing up for ​coaching

You: During ​and after this ​program

You: During ​and after this ​program

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This page will help you make an informed decision about ​whether or not this program is what you need.

Please note: I'm not here to convince you to sign up for coaching. The people who achieve the ​results they want are those who are ready, willing, and able to make this decision on their own.

I will give you everything there is to know about this program and if you feel this is something ​that you need to take your results to the next level, then I’m here to help you move forward.

If you have gone over this and decided that you need extra support talking through the ​program, please click the button below to apply so that we can set up a no obligation, free call.

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It was 2pm on a random Tuesday and I was craving apple pie a la mode. (I don’t ​even like pie.)

Questions like this ran through my mind...

  • Are my thighs going to be too big for the form fitting wedding dress that I ​dreamed about wearing?
  • Why isn’t anything working? Is something wrong with me?
  • Why can’t I just stick to the plan? I always end up binging mid afternoon ​vowing to be good the next day.
  • Should I just accept the way my body is? Live with it?

I had tried every diet under the sun. I thought counting pretty little containers of ​food would be different. I mean I felt like I had control. But someone else was ​still telling me what to eat and when.

And I felt frustrated and confused.

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I wanted to see a toned version of myself in the mirror.

I wanted a flat stomach and thighs that didn’t rub when I walked.

I wanted to fit comfortably into cute clothes.

I wanted to have enough energy for the entire day and stop relying on ​an afternoon nap to get by.

And I REALLY wanted to feel free.

I used to be a serial dieter. I spent most of 20's on some form of a diet.

But I knew that if I wanted different results, I was going to have to do ​something different.

It wasn’t until I ditched the fad diets and went back to basic science that I, ​once and for all, was able to get the body I had been dreaming of.

Balancing my nutrition through macro counting and focusing on sustainable ​self care habits not only had me feeling confident in my dream wedding ​dress, but it also helped me throughout pregnancy and to get my body back ​after having a baby.

I took my lemons and made lemonade. And you know what the best part ​about making lemonade is?

Sharing it with others.

Master Your Mind and Body


  1. You’ve been trying to lose fat, look more toned, feel stronger but no matter what you do, ​you don’t see any progress and you’re frustrated by it.
  2. You are very confused by all the information out there, so you start and stop every ​new diet that someone else has tried. Or you are following a specific diet, but it’s really ​hard to stick to, especially on the weekends.
  3. You’ve worked with a nutrition coach in the past (in-person or online) but you didn’t feel ​like they set you up for long term success on your own.
  4. You’re consumed by what you eat. You feel like it controls you and you have never really ​taken the time to figure out a sustainable plan that works best for your goals and your ​lifestyle. You want to free up space to think about other more fun things that are ​happening around you.
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You just need ​to be in a ​calorie deficit.

If you’ve heard this before...

Yes, there are MILLIONS of people who lose weight because of a calorie deficit.

And this CAN work for you...

but only if you KNOW how to actually sustain healthy habits, overcome negative self ​talk, and focus on the QUALITY of your calories.

You can lose all of the weight...but if you don't know how to balance your nutrition ​for your goals, you will never experience the fat loss or “tone up” the way you want ​to.

This is why I have lost weight and am the strongest, most confident I have ever ​been in my life.

BTW- at some point every person will need to consider their nutrition and mindset ​in order to stay healthy and active.


Master Your Mind and Body was created with the assumption you want to experience a body and mind ​transformation.

The good news is that when you start to take the steps needed to balance your diet, you'll actually be able to ​set yourself up for long term success.

Putting in the time and energy now will help you get the body that you want and keep it.

Maybe you have tried to do this before, or know how to balance your nutrition, but want more step by step ​accountability and coaching.

The important thing is that you now need to be upfront & honest with yourself.

Even if you know how to get what you want, what is the gap? Why haven’t you gotten to where you want to be?

You can lie to others (if you want), but there is nothing more damaging than lying to yourself in this situation.

Solving Problem Number 1

You’ve been trying to lose fat, look more toned, feel stronger but no matter what you do, you ​don’t see any progress and you’re frustrated by it.

There’s probably two reasons this is happening.

1- You have eaten in a calorie deficit for a long time so you need to keep eating lower and ​lower amount of calories. And that makes you HANGRY. So before you’re body is even able ​to show you results, you throw in the towel.

2- You let the scale dictate your day. If it’s down, it’s a good day. If it’s up it’s a bad day.

And if that’s the case, you aren’t consistent with daily goals. Instead you are always ​inconsistent so it’s hard to see any long term progress.

Solving Problem Number 2

You are very confused by all the information out there, so you start and stop every new ​diet that someone else has tried. Or you are following a specific diet, but it’s really hard to ​stick to, especially on the weekends.

It’s funny. No two people look alike (maybe twins), but we assume that if we do the same ​things as someone else, we’ll start to get their body.

But what is right for one person may not be right for you.

And until you have nutrition goals that are set to your lifestyle, likes, and needs you’re going ​to wind up frustrated and burnt out.

Solving Problem Number 3

You’ve worked with a nutrition coach in the past (in-person or online) but you didn’t feel like ​they set you up for long term success on your own.

There are alot of coaches who don’t want you to know the secrets.

Because if you know the secrets, you will stop paying them.

But I am a natural born teacher. I wouldn’t want my students to repeat a grade because I ​didn’t teach them everything they needed to know to move forward.

I believe in setting people up for success so that they can continue moving forward on their ​own. I explain the reasoning for all decisions and I teach you how to move forward and ​make decisions on your own.

Solving Problem Number 4

You’re consumed by what you eat. You feel like it controls you and you have never really taken the ​time to figure out a sustainable plan that works best for your goals and your lifestyle. You want to ​free up space to think about other more fun things that are happening around you.

If you’re here, you’re already carrying a mental load of all the things going on around you.

The last thing you want to think about is FOOD. What to eat? How much to eat? The next meal. ​The next party, etc. etc.

But if you work with a coach, the coach will help carry that mental load and keep you accountable ​and consistent and focused without having to obsess over your next move.

The goal is to create habits that become so automatic, you don’t have to think about them ​anymore.

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Tracking my food is ​going to take so much ​time and I just don’t ​have the time.

If you’re thinking this, you’re probably in the right spot.

Yeah. Tracking your food does take a bit of time and energy. At first.

But how much time have you spent starting and stopping a new diet? Stuck in a ​body that you don’t like? Spending your money on quick fixes that ... eek, hate to ​say this but, wind up leaving you exactly where you were or worse off.

Once you bring awareness to what you’re eating, portion sizes, and how the food makes you feel...

You can’t unlearn it.

You can get the body and mindset that you want... but if you don’t know how to spend less than 1% of your ​day tracking your food, you’ll probably burn out.

This is why I have the body that makes me feel good and I rarely have to track my food anymore.

How Master Your Mind and Body Solves These Problems

  1. We build out the road map of your overall outcome goal, where you currently are and the next ​actionable steps you need to take to move forward.
  2. You are provided with a custom set calorie, macros, step, water goals to fit into your lifestyle and needs.
  3. I break down and give you everything you need. There is no "guess work" or lack of clarity. If you have ​questions, you reach out and I will answer them via the Telegram messaging app.
  4. If you reach your daily and weekly goals, you WILL see results. I will teach exactly what to look for.
  5. You will learn why I am making adjustments to your goals or not. So that in the future, you can decide ​this for yourself, without me.
  6. Transformational coaching encompasses all levels of coaching: cheerleader, advice giver, accountability ​partner, teacher
  7. I will have access to your food log to give you advice and accountability.
  8. As self sabotage and road blocks come up, you will have 1:1 access to me so that we can work through it ​together, specifically for you and your circumstance.
  9. Introductory calls and virtual meetings can be set up in an as needed basis.
  10. My support is like NO OTHER!!

“But what if people judge me?”

Wayne Dyer says, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

I know it can be frightening when you are trying to make a change. I mean, people can only meet you where ​they’re mentally and emotionally at, honestly.

But if the goal is to become a higher, better version of yourself, don’t you think that starts with surrounding ​yourself with people who are also living in that same type of energy?

Those are the people who want to see you thrive, to be happy, comfortable, and confident.

The more focus you put on positive things, the more those positive things grow.

Change can be scary but the thoughts, actions, and feelings that got you HERE, will not get you to where you ​want to go.

And if you don’t solve the problems you’re currently facing?

It could cost you...

-> continued mental baggage

-> stress

-> anxiety

-> lack of self confidence

-> weight GAIN

-> going through the same cycle of emotions again and AGAIN

-> always wondering “what if?”

-> trying another diet, gaining the weight back

-> wishing you would have started sooner

Why you should start NOW...

There are no discounts. There are no elements of "fake scarcity or urgency."

Anyone who wants to start can do so at any time.

But, people are starting & reaching their body confidence, strength, vitality, and energy goals.

Instead of waiting and then comparing yourself to others... take the leap and start now.

So How Do I Start?

Fill out an application.

I will be in contact with you to set up a call to go over your responses.

If this is a right fit for the both of us, we will proceed forward.

here’s what my ​clients have to say

here’s what my ​clients have to say

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More Client Testimonials


"Two weeks ago my macros were recalculated. I committed to the new goal and ​although I haven't been perfect, in those two weeks, I have lost 2 inches overall. ​I can feel a difference in my midsection already. I am very excited about ​reenergizing my commitment to eating in a way that makes me feel good."


"The best part of this experience has been the tailored ​coaching for my pace, goals, diet and need for flexibility in ​the process."


“Honestly I feel like the OG me which I haven’t seen in a while. ​I’m obviously older and wiser but I used to really care what ​went into my body and treated it with respect. And I feel like I ​lost that for awhile and am finally getting it back.”


"Engaging with KB was an outstanding experience. Not only was I able to ​uncover and explore some hidden misconceptions and beliefs around food ​and my eating patterns but also identify some huge deficits in my macro ​nutrition that were clearly working against my health and well being. Overall ​super valuable experience worth exploring!"


“I did so well with grazing this week. Like hardly at all. I know ​not every week will be like that but I’m proud of myself! I ​definitely improved upon my patience with myself.”


“The weightloss just helps me wrap my brain around the fact that this is ​something that can work and be sustainable which was awesome. I had ​pasta and bread everyday and didn’t feel like I was depriving myself at all.”


What will I have to do?

You will be required to try your best everyday and reach out when you ​need support. (I will be reaching out but I can’t read minds, unfortunately)

You will be required to track your food for most of the 12 weeks, ​especially if you have not done this before. Breaks and habit tracking are ​also incorporated into the 12 weeks.

What kind of results can I expect?

This is not a quick fix. However, I have coached clients who lose up to ​10 lbs in a 12 week period. I have also coached clients who have ​doubled their calorie intake without gaining a single pound. It truly ​depends on your goal and your level of commitment to the learning ​process.

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